On this page I have * since more than 25 years * the 'Old Calcutta' Internet Photo exhibition.
Our family carried this set of about 70 photos through the last century, from generation to generation.
The photos include shots from buildings, Statues etc. in the ancient Calcutta and pictures
from some excursions (Chumba, Dalhousie).
We assume there may be some other people in the world interested in these pictures and will use this place to present them the
first time to public.
The photographer was Mr. Stretton. Does anybody know more about him ?
We found only spare notes, e.g. at:
The pictures under this page may not be published elsewhere or commercially used without written permission from us.
Here we will have some 'Pictures
at Exhibition' changing from time to time. So please be patient and look around.
Further on we will try to locate the items in a city map
(thanks for any hints) and if possible enhance the old pictures with those of the current situation.
If you are interested in further informations regarding the city
you may look at the following link(s):
City Infos at CalcuttaWeb
I recently found a nice foto collection regarding the Chumba area
you may look at the following link:
Chamba at TrekEarth
Your Visitors bill:
Gratis Besucherzähler
After many years of ticket counting we had to open a new 2018 ticket role,
since the provider 1&1 removed this service